Time is money. Why aren't you using the fastest and best product available?
Rockport really is synonymous with integrity, performance, and excellence. Knowing Rick and Will Trepp, both personally and professionally, has been one of the great pleasures of my life. I would say Rockport differentiates itself because it's a relationship.
While some claim that everyone uses one system or another; it is simply not true. A shockingly large % of our industry just uses Microsoft Excel® and can't read the model you just sent them. With VAL, EVERYONE can see the model and bid on your deal.
Debt comes into play on many deals. Why would you not use a system that lets you model it as part of the process?
Your data is your data.
It's that simple.
Send the deal out in another system and you risk some potential partners not being able to open the model. Use VAL and it is 100% guaranteed that everyone who wants to see the model will see it. We allow non-VAL subscribers to interact with shared models for 120 days. So everyone can see it, and do their own analysis, and bid on your deal. More models in the hands of more potential buyers lead to more competition and a higher deal price.
It's 2025 and Mortgage Brokers are no longer accepting of old, slow technology. Giving them substandard tools greatly increases the chance that they hop to somewhere else that gives them the technology they crave.