Rockport CORE is the clear industry leader in providing Enterprise-class lending platforms for Commercial Real Estate Lenders, with more than $1 Trillion in closed loans actively managed in the system (No - that's not dead loans or historic data, that would make it much higher!).
Rockport CORE is an enterprise-level CRE platform that enables all types of CRE Lenders, B Piece Buyers, and Rating Agencies to manage their CRE lending and asset management businesses.
All vendors say they want to be your partner. Rockport is unique in their approach as a true partner and team member. They’re engaged, responsive and their focus on ‘service after the sale’, not just getting you to signature, provides long-term value to W&D.
I love it but it's time to take things to the next level.
It was great while we were smaller, but it just doesn't scale or innovate like we hoped.
Soc 2 Type 2 certified, Rockport takes security incredibly seriously. We worry about security 24/7 so you don't have to.
Rockport is the only product that provides integrated Microsoft Excel® modeling - multi-note, multi-prop. We can also integrate your own Microsoft Excel® models. Do not accept imitators.
Like a high-end suit, we built Rockport to be highly configurable. While there is an enormous amount of functionality crossover between clients, we also understand you have your own special sauce. The system is built to provide the best of both worlds
No other company provides full enterprise-class systems that go from pipeline all the way through REO, with asset management and accounting & servicing (via Rockport ACT integration) in the middle.
We are regularly reported to have the best customer service in the industry. Why? Because we care about our clients.
We are owned and led by a proven CRE visionary and built to last for decades. No short-term thinking here.
Rockport is built for Real Estate People by Real Estate People.
After Rick’s experience founding Trepp® and supporting conduits for the last 20 years, we are known as the go-to system for conduit lending and securitization.
Partnering with Fannie Mae to provide DUS Disclose®, DUS Insights®, and DUS 360™ has given us a great understanding which filters back into all of our products. It also gives you great comfort that we can handle your loans, because we already do!
In the modern world, you need to be making data-driven decisions. We give you all your data, in one place, comforted and cleaned through your day-to-day operations, with super powerful real-time reporting and visualizations layered on top.
A CRE-specific pipeline management module means you can track your pipeline, the right way. No more wrestling with your CRM that wasn’t meant to report on CRE data.
We are the only product that provides integrated Excel modeling – multi-note, multi-prop. We can also integrate your own Excel models. Do not accept imitators.
We (via VAL Integration) provide DCF software. Integrated. Fast. Powerful.
Our product is made to make your life easier and know that if you are successful, we are successful.
Our integrated Excel technology allows us to integrate your proprietary models so that there is no change management, and your well-oiled process can continue. Our powerful reporting tools mean we can clone, down to the pixel, your proprietary internal reports. This gives you the best of both worlds – your well-built processes, but a centralized, single set of truth data, that you can data mine and report on.
We know that just because the loan is done doesn’t mean that the work is done. Our system substantially reduces the personnel time required for the ongoing asset management, servicing, and reporting on these loans.
We play well in the sandbox. Both with internal systems and with third-party providers. In the modern world, you can have the best systems – and we’ll make sure we all talk together.
We are used by the largest CRE players in the world. Serving them and their needs have battle-tested our products.
We take your data security as seriously as you do.